On this weeks episode of Sneak Attack!: An Original Dungeons and Dragons Adventure, our intrepid band of heroes returns to Antwood in search of answers regarding the Pineapple Gang. Who do they work for, and why did they carry the same sigil as Juno, the tavern owner?
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D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Fifth Edition, Tabletop, RPG, Role playing game
On this episode of Sneak Attack!, the gang explores the farming village of Antwood, and uncovers some nefarious goings-on with certain townsfolk. The journey of distrust and intrigue begins...
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On this very first episode of Sneak Attack!, an original Dungeons and Dragons adventure. The gang of heroes first meets in the country of Norwich, a medium-sized island in the world of Brannis. They band together to help someone in need, and then continue travelling in search of fame and adventure.
Follow us on Twitter @SneakPodcast in order to stay up to date on when new episodes release, as well as behind the scenes looks at recording sessions!