On this week's episode of Sneak Attack!, the gang leaves Conduit with the titanium in tow, but things go awry when a strange force alters their plans...
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fest: https://www.hplscifi.com
Patreon: https://patreon.com/sneak
Website: https://sneakpodcast.com
Star Warrior: https://soundcloud.com/star-warrior
Twitter: @SneakPodcast
On this week's episode of Sneak Attack!, Ethan and Ti arrive at Russell Enterprises to procure a shipment of titanium.
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fest: https://www.hplscifi.com
Patreon: https://patreon.com/sneak
Website: https://sneakpodcast.com
Star Warrior: https://soundcloud.com/star-warrior
Twitter: @SneakPodcast
On this week's episode of Sneak Attack!, Ethan speaks with the mysterious stranger in Fat32's while Lucky is tasked with bringing him home.
New Shirt!: https://cottonbureau.com/products/carls-repair#/
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fest: https://www.hplscifi.com
Patreon: https://patreon.com/sneak
Website: https://sneakpodcast.com
Star Warrior: https://soundcloud.com/star-warrior
Twitter: @SneakPodcast
On this week's episode of Sneak Attack!, Ethan must make his way through the streets of Conduit in order to learn more about the mega factory known as Russell Enterprises.
New Shirt!: https://cottonbureau.com/products/carls-repair#/
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fest: https://www.hplscifi.com
Patreon: https://patreon.com/sneak
Website: https://sneakpodcast.com
Star Warrior: https://soundcloud.com/star-warrior
Twitter: @SneakPodcast
On this week's episode of Sneak Attack!, the gang departs the Collective ship in order to procure some much-needed titanium from the human planet of Hali.
New Shirt!: https://cottonbureau.com/products/carls-repair#/
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fest: https://www.hplscifi.com
Patreon: https://patreon.com/sneak
Website: https://sneakpodcast.com
Star Warrior: https://soundcloud.com/star-warrior
Twitter: @SneakPodcast