On this week's episode of Sneak Attack!, the gang must navigate the bustling metropolis of Dawson's only populated city in order to meet up with their Mishi Slug contact. What will the group find on Dawson, and why does the Chancellor want the slug? Find out right now!
Patreon: https://patreon.com/sneak
Website: https://sneakpodcast.com
Star Warrior: https://soundcloud.com/star-warrior
Twitter: @SneakPodcast
On this week's episode of Sneak Attack!, the group leaves Vöxtur on its way to the planet of Dawson in order to fulfill a debt owed to The Chancellor. What awaits them on Dawson, and is this the end of the group's dealings with this mysterious benefactor? Find out right now!
Patreon: https://patreon.com/sneak
Website: https://sneakpodcast.com
Star Warrior: https://soundcloud.com/star-warrior
Twitter: @SneakPodcast
Check out Chip's character episode, and dive deeper into the events in his life that shaped him into the robot we know him as today. A huge thank you to everyone involved to help us accomplish our most ambitious character episode yet!
Patreon: https://patreon.com/sneak
Website: https://sneakpodcast.com
Twitter: @SneakPodcast